WG7: Rethinking Internationalisation
of Higher Education



This Working Group promotes the mapping of practices of IoHE aiming at improving international understanding and reciprocity in cross-border Higher Education carried out in the SACRU Universities representative of different geographical areas. The task is to investigate, in a comparative perspective, the underpinning principles, the agents involved, the governance structures and the ultimate goals of those experiences of IoHE, which may be conducive to alternative and more inclusive approaches to internationalization for the Common Good.

This project aims to offer alternative perspectives on internationalisation against a fragile geopolitical background by providing both an empirical and theoretical contribution to the current debate on definitions of internationalisation. Adherence to the construction of internationalisation as physical student mobility has contributed to a narrow vision for internationalisation, enabling a continued over-emphasis on elite Anglo-European perspectives in international education. Broader conceptualisations of internationalisation are necessary, including thinking about the role of knowledge generation as an integral part of internationalisation.