Internationalization SubCommittee
The Internationalization SubCommittee’s role is to support and advise the SACRU Executive on internationalization and to report on key global issues in higher education. Specifically, SubCommittee has responsibility for developing initiatives that enable active and ongoing student and staff collaboration between member institutions, with a strong focus on research.
Lines of action:
- To develop SACRU’s Internationalization Strategy and enabling projects to implement the SACRU Strategy and to support student, staff and higher degree research collaboration between member institutions.
- To provide recommendations to the SACRU Executive regarding international program and policy development, and the roles of and responsibilities for SACRU members in matters relating to internationalization.
- To monitor and report on the implementation of SACRU’s Internationalization Strategy and provide advice to the SACRU Executive in relation to issues that may arise in relation to the strategy’s implementation.
- To monitor and report to the SACRU Executive on areas of risk that may impact on SACRU’s international collaborations and develop plans and actions aimed at risk minimization.